june 2014 - december 2015

june 2014 - december 2015

September 07, 2015

Week 64: The Gift of Free Agency

Buenas Tardes!  I hope life is fab!!  I wanna begin by taking back what i said at the end of my last post-- the heat has NOT died down haha.  We got in store for us this week super hot weather with rainstorms.  September is a month fileld with daily unpredictable weather changes.

I have to say I felt my heart break a little this week on wednesday.  Marcelina, who has gone to church multiple times, read the whole libro de mormon, made so many positive changes in her life, told us in our lesson on wednesday that she just "wants more time to think about everything and recieve more answers"-- she still continues to smoke and doesn't have the faith that she can give it up.  It was one of the few times I just sat there crying listening to her-- one of the hardest parts about missionary work is growing to love the people you teach and feeling sincere sadness when they reject everything that can give them eternal happiness.  Hna Espinosa and I had no words as we just sat and listened with tears rolling down our cheeks.  She still wants to go to church and listen to us, but it's not the same Marcelina we met 2 months ago.  I have learned to accept that everyone has their free agency, the gift to make choices, and I know that other missionaries down the road will help her nourish this seed we have planted.  

God wants his children to return to Him.  But what is surprising is that He allows them to choose this course. he does not force them.  He sends his children to eart, causing a veil of oblivion to come upon them.  They are here to acquire a body, to be tried and to choose.  The greatest choice of all will be to choose to return to their Father.  First, they learn about Him.  Then, they learn about His beloved son.  They learn about His church and about His plan of happiness which allows them to return to Him, through the sacred temple, being cualified to live with Him, His son, and with their families forever  Elder Nelson (translated from spanish quote)
                i will miss our dear friend estefania so much

On a more positive note, yesterday we had a great sunday at church, including a surprise visit from Presidente and Hna Bird.  They got to meet some of our investigadores and congratulate Yaretzi on her confirmation :)  The room was filled-- I love sundays because I can really feel and see the progress of the ward.  I love sitting up top at the piano and seeing everyone there :)  This past weekend we had 4 15 year olds we are teaching attend a girl's campout with the youth in the stake-- they absolutely loved it and it's so great to see them make new friends.  These 15 year olds we are teaching amaze me-- every one of them has family problems stronger than you can imagine, and yet this gospel is helping them find inner peace and purpose in their life.  During Sacrament Meeting it's sweet because hna espinosa, estefania, and I are all seated up in the front row with our 4 15 year old hermanitas-- Becca they remind me of you!!  The ward really is headed in a super strong direction, and the new bishop valeriano is totally organized and has total faith and confidence in us, greatly appreciating all that we are doing to help strengthen the ward.
enjoying nice cold shaved ice with Citlaly- a girl in my ward
Today we made waffles with the zone-- nothing too exciting haha.  I'm 99 percent sure I've only got 2 weeks left here in America-- so I know i gotta take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way!

Sé que Jesucristo vive y que nos ama.  Me ha dado una felicidad tan grande ser un instrumento en sus manos para invitar a todos a conocer su evangelio.  Sé que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero....cada dia puedo testificar de el y ser testigo de su poder para cambiar las vidas de las personas.  Sé que la fe produce milagros y que las pruebas existen para que podamos aprender y progresar como hijos de Dios.  Sé que La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias es el reino del Señor que de nuevo se ha establecido sobre la tierra.
                                 Our church building

I want to thank you all again for the incredible emails i receive!!! so many missionaries don't receive emails each week, so i feel truly blessed and loved with all of your support.

this thursday we have consejo de liderazgo-- leadership council-- and next thursday we go to the temple!! talk to yall sept 10th!!

  Jesus said unto Him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me  

C O N  A M O R
hermana riches

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