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Us with the wife of an area 70, Elder Piper, and Sister Linda K Burton, General Relief Society Pres for the church
Ok I truly don´t have enough time to explain all the wonderful details of this weekend!! For the first time out of Utah, the church decided to hold a regional women´s conference, and Monterrey was lucky enough to be the chosen location. The theme was ¨llenar nuestros hogares con luz y verdad¨ ¨Filling our homes with light and truth¨ and Sister Linda K Burton, General Relief Society President for the Church, was the main speaker at this 2 day conference. But let me first begin by saying how much of an honor it was to have her attend my ward on Sunday!! Out of all the wards in the state of Nuevo Leon, she and a few other area 70s chose our ward to attend. Our ward mission leader called my companion and I Sunday morning at 8am, and invited us to the 9amward council where Sister Burton was present, and so us 2 literally got to participate in a council with all the ward leaders, stake president, area 70s, and Sister Linda K Burton with her translator. I got to talk to her after the council, give her a hug, and tell her all about how much I have loved serving in Mexico. She told me how great it will be for me to return home to my family for Christmas, and she thanked me for deciding to serve a fulltime mission, dedicating this time to helping the lovely people of Mexico. My companion practiced her English to her as well haha J Sister Burton even wanted to take a photo with us 2 on her iphone—so we are probably already famous on her facebook ;) she gave a talk in our sacrament meeting- she had a translator translate after every sentence // I totally wish I could have translated haha!—and wow it was really powerful sitting 2nd row and just feeling this pure spirit she brings. She talked about how taking the sacrament should be a GIFT in our lives, and how we should be forever grateful for Christ’s atoning sacrifice.
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at church with Sister Burton
on the way to womens conference-- life is good.
She also spoke to the relief society and literally every woman swarmed to get a photo with her haha! Hermana Bird stayed with us for relief society, and really it was so neat having Sister Burton talk to all us women. She talked to us all about constantly looking for ways to invite others to come unto Christ—she had us 2 hermanas stand up and recite our missionary purpose, and then said that it doesn’t matter if we have a missionary tag or not—we are ALL involved in Christ’s work. With tears in her eyes she expressed the love she has for all of us. Seriously it was so sweet having her come to our ward!! I can now say that I am friends with the general relief society pres haha :)
about half of us sister missionaries with Pres and Hna Bird
Sunday night and all day Monday we had a women’s conference with about 4,000 women from Monterrey. I am so grateful I got to participate in this towards the end of my mission because I got to see ALL my sister missionary friends, and every minute I was running into a woman I knew from past wards I have been in. I have never received so many hugs and cheek kisses in my whole life haha! Wow I have made so many friends here—I am so grateful for all the wonderful women I have grown to love here in Monterrey. I was so happy all day being able to reunite with all of them….PS the conference was held at the hotel we are staying at mom and dad! Entering the lobby made me super excited for your arrival J So many great speakers at this conference, talking about the powerful role we have as women in the community and in the home. To end the conference they put on a 2 hour cultural show where dancers danced all the traditional Mexican dances, and they showed a video portraying all the touristic sights of Monterrey—I definitely need to come back and actually see all of what Monterrey has to offer haha! But yeah—I just felt super enlightened after listening to each inspired woman speak about the importance of having Christ be the center of our lives. As I end my mission, I can’t help but look forward to the future with excitement, thinking of how I am going to put EVERYTHING into practice that I have learned and experienced this past year and a half. I feel like a whole new chapter / journey of my life will begin the moment I set foot in the San Francisco Airport.
my dear Brazilian Sista, hermana Soussa
workin' the heels after a 18 solid months..... i got lots of practicing to do hahah
For all you ladies….you NEED to go right now and read this talk ----- https://www.lds.org/general- conference/2015/10/a-plea-to- my-sisters?lang=eng
lunch at carl's junior with some women in my ward
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My heart is full of gratitude for this gospel in my life. I needed this mission experience to really grow and personally discover that this gospel really does bless families, really does give us eternal happiness, and if this really is the path that leads us back to our Heavenly Father. He lives. I know it. And I will forever feel joy in my heart for all the lives that have touched me here, that have shown me that it IS possible to escape deep pits of darkness through faith in Jesus Christ.
once again reunited with Estefania
My mini testimony in Spanish.
Sé con todo mi corazón que hoy en día tenemos la plenitud del evangelio de Jesucristo sobre la tierra. Sé que el camino hacia la vida eterna no es fácil, pero tenemos las herramientas para poder hacerlo con la ayuda de Él, la ayuda de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Él nos ama. Cada uno de nosotros tenemos debilidades, pero gracias a la expiación, el sacrificio infinito de nuestro Redentor, nuestras debilidades y fracasos pueden convertirse en fortalezas y experiencias de aprendizaje. Sé que El Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios, que un profeta lo tradujo para que nosotros ahora podamos tener esta guía esencial en nuestras vidas. No hay otro libro más correcto sobre la tierra. Sé que ahora hay muchos ataques en contra de las familias, pero la mejor armadura que tenemos es este evangelio, la oración, los mandamientos, y los consejos de nuestros profetas vivientes. Si vivimos de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, no vamos a ser perdidos. Vamos a tener esta eterna luz en nuestras vidas. Puedo ver la obscuridad en los ojos de las personas aquí en Monterrey que no tienen este conocimiento ni relación con Dios, y he podido ver el hermoso cambio en sus corazones cuando la expiación toma efecto en ellos y les ayuda a recibir este perdón y consuelo. Esta obscuridad siempre puede ser reemplazada con gozo y luz través del amor de Dios. Amo a las personas aquí en Monterrey. Amo ser representante de Jesucristo. Sé que esta es la iglesia verdadera. En el Nombre de Jesucristo amen.
hermana riches
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